Museums, Mocktails and More!
The team here at DRY had a lot of plans for our spring. We had plans to travel to trade shows, host sober parties and happy hours around the country, we had plans to celebrate and connect with all of you.
We know we aren’t alone. Most of you had plans. But now our focus is to stay at home and do our best to keep ourselves and our community healthy. But we refuse to believe that staying home means we can explore, exercise our imaginations, or look for the silver linings all around us.
True to our nature, our team has pulled together and compiled a list of things to do with your family, friends (via FaceTime of course), or with a Zero-Proof Cocktail and your fuzzy slippers.
Add some structure to your day
One of the best things we can do to stay motivated when we’re hunkered down at home is to add some structure to our day. Take a little time in the middle of the day to make a snack, a sip and sit down to watch the Cincinnati Zoo’s Home Safari! Yes, this is the home of the famed hippo, Fiona!
Hosted on Facebook, the zoo is highlighting one of their amazing animals each day at 12pm PST or 3pm EDT. They are also posting the video on their website and YouTube channels as well.
Trust us, nothing will bring you as much joy as the adorable animals you will learn about here.
Since this is the perfect family friendly lunch hour activity, we recommend pairing this with our Blueberry Lavender Lemonade!
Blueberry Lavender Lemonade
Drop a few fresh blueberries in the bottom of a glass and fill 1/2 full with lemonade. Fill the remaining 1/2 of the glass with DRY Lavender Botanical Bubbly and garnish with a lemon peel.
Just keep swimming
Maybe you need the calming effects of water to get your through the day. You’re in luck! The Monterey Bay Aquarium is giving visitors a virtual look at its colorful sea creatures via free live camera streaming.
Zen out on jelly fish, watch penguins waddle around, and so much more.
We recommend pairing this adventure with clean, crisp, Fuji Apple DRY Botanical Bubbly with an apple garnish!
Fuji Apple DRY Botanical Bubbly
Fill a low ball glass with ice and top with the Fuji Apple DRY Botanical Bubbly. We used a vegetable peeler to take a strip of peel off the apple and roll it in to a beautiful garnish!
Jet set without the jet lag
Maybe you have a list of museums you’ve always wanted to see. It may not be as romantic as wandering down corridors with creaky floorboards underfoot, but you can still see some of the most spectacular collections in the world from the comfort of your own living room.
We’ve listed a few of our favorites below and would highly suggest pairing any of them with our Vanilla Grapefruit Fizz!
Vanilla Grapefruit Fizz
Fill a highball glass 3/4 of the way full with grapefruit juice and top with Vanilla DRY Botanical Bubbly. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit and a sprig of mint.
Museum Pairings
The Louvre – The Louvre’s official website offers a few virtual exhibits of its own, and a separate site, YouVisit, has a realistic 360-degree tour of several parts of the Paris museum.
The Picasso Museum – Explore Barcelona and the museum’s historic courtyard from the comfort of your couch. The museum also has an interactive map of Picasso’s Barcelona, and the environment that influenced his life and work.
The Acropolis Museum – Take in the stunning views of Athens, Greece at home. Thanks to Google Arts & Culture we can now explore the ancient artifacts from the Acropolis Museum. You can also take a stroll on your own with the street view feature.
The British Museum – Maybe London is on your list? Explore artifacts from ancient civilizations with the free interactive timeline offered by the British Museum. Pick your topic or theme and have fun exploring.
If you get through all of these and need a few more options, our mocktails and music pairings will come your way later in the week!
Planning on trying these out? Send us a selfie of you and your family, or you and your mocktail by tagging us on Instagram. @Drysoda and use the hashtag #DRYBotanicalBubbly.
We know we aren’t alone. Most of you had plans. But now our focus is to stay at home and do our best to keep ourselves and our community healthy. But we refuse to believe that staying home means we can explore, exercise our imaginations, or look for the silver linings all around us.
True to our nature, our team has pulled together and compiled a list of things to do with your family, friends (via FaceTime of course), or with a Zero-Proof Cocktail and your fuzzy slippers.
Add some structure to your day

Hosted on Facebook, the zoo is highlighting one of their amazing animals each day at 12pm PST or 3pm EDT. They are also posting the video on their website and YouTube channels as well.
Trust us, nothing will bring you as much joy as the adorable animals you will learn about here.
Since this is the perfect family friendly lunch hour activity, we recommend pairing this with our Blueberry Lavender Lemonade!

Drop a few fresh blueberries in the bottom of a glass and fill 1/2 full with lemonade. Fill the remaining 1/2 of the glass with DRY Lavender Botanical Bubbly and garnish with a lemon peel.
Just keep swimming

Zen out on jelly fish, watch penguins waddle around, and so much more.
We recommend pairing this adventure with clean, crisp, Fuji Apple DRY Botanical Bubbly with an apple garnish!

Fill a low ball glass with ice and top with the Fuji Apple DRY Botanical Bubbly. We used a vegetable peeler to take a strip of peel off the apple and roll it in to a beautiful garnish!
Jet set without the jet lag

Maybe you have a list of museums you’ve always wanted to see. It may not be as romantic as wandering down corridors with creaky floorboards underfoot, but you can still see some of the most spectacular collections in the world from the comfort of your own living room.
We’ve listed a few of our favorites below and would highly suggest pairing any of them with our Vanilla Grapefruit Fizz!

Fill a highball glass 3/4 of the way full with grapefruit juice and top with Vanilla DRY Botanical Bubbly. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit and a sprig of mint.
Museum Pairings
The Louvre – The Louvre’s official website offers a few virtual exhibits of its own, and a separate site, YouVisit, has a realistic 360-degree tour of several parts of the Paris museum.
The Picasso Museum – Explore Barcelona and the museum’s historic courtyard from the comfort of your couch. The museum also has an interactive map of Picasso’s Barcelona, and the environment that influenced his life and work.
The Acropolis Museum – Take in the stunning views of Athens, Greece at home. Thanks to Google Arts & Culture we can now explore the ancient artifacts from the Acropolis Museum. You can also take a stroll on your own with the street view feature.
The British Museum – Maybe London is on your list? Explore artifacts from ancient civilizations with the free interactive timeline offered by the British Museum. Pick your topic or theme and have fun exploring.
If you get through all of these and need a few more options, our mocktails and music pairings will come your way later in the week!
Planning on trying these out? Send us a selfie of you and your family, or you and your mocktail by tagging us on Instagram. @Drysoda and use the hashtag #DRYBotanicalBubbly.