DRY Debuts Refreshing New Look
You may have noticed, DRY has a new look. Similar to the results of receiving a bold new haircut, we know some people might be surprised. Most have reacted extremely positively, while others wonder why we left our old designs behind (but I loved your long hair… your old bottles…etc, etc.) To be honest, we felt our customers deserved more. We love innovation. We love trying new things. We always want to be better. Our updated packaging was designed to better reflect DRY’s premium flavor profiles and culinary taste experience.
A few words from DRY’s Founder and CEO, Sharelle Klaus:
We still adore our old packaging, but are so very excited to roll-out our new look to you. If you’re reading this from our blog, you’ve also undoubtedly noticed a new account map that allows you to find DRY more easily than ever before, links to all the day-to-day happenings on our social pages, and exciting new photography. We hope you use these tools to celebrate with us every day… or at least come back for more every once in a while.
A few words from DRY’s Founder and CEO, Sharelle Klaus:
